Lemon Fruit BioFerment Extract


Lemon Fruit BioFerment Extract, derived from lemon fruit, harnesses the inherent benefits of lemon fruits, scientifically known as Citrus limon. This extract is realized through an advanced fermentation process that incorporates a specialized blend of enzymes. This innovative fermentation technique effectively deconstructs plant constituents, yielding an enriched concentration of active plant molecules that surpass the efficacy of traditional extraction methods.

Enriched with citric acid, Vitamin C, and flavonoids, Lemon Fruit BioFerment Extract showcases a range of distinctive features that offer exceptional benefits for the skin. The high citric acid content of this extract contributes to its exfoliating properties, gently removing dead skin cells and promoting a rejuvenated and radiant complexion. Additionally, the synergy between citric acid and Vitamin C imparts a skin brightening effect, working harmoniously to reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.

One of the standout attributes of Lemon Fruit BioFerment Extract is its astringent qualities, with the presence of flavonoids and tannins.


This astringency helps refine skin texture and regulate sebum production, making it an ideal choice for formulations targeting oily or combination skin types.

Furthermore, the extract's antiseptic and antibacterial properties, attributed to limonoids, provide additional benefits for acne-prone skin.

From its gentle exfoliation and skin brightening effects to its ability to refine skin texture and regulate sebum production, this extract is a versatile ingredient that delivers exceptional results. With its antibacterial properties, it aids in maintaining a clear and healthy complexion.



Its citric acid content gently exfoliates, promoting a renewed and radiant complexion.

Reduces hyperpigmentation, enhancing skin tone.

Flavonoids and tannins refine skin texture, regulating sebum for a balanced complexion.

Limonoids provide antibacterial benefits, aiding in acne-prone skin care.

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