Postbiotics : Miracle from Bacteria

What is Postbiotic?

Before we delve into the uses of postbiotics in cosmetics, it’s essential to understand what postbiotics are.

Postbiotics are non-viable bacterial products or metabolic by-products from probiotic microorganisms that have biologic activity in the host.

These compounds can include enzymes, peptides, short-chain fatty acids, and other metabolites…

Postbiotics are actually components that are produced during the fermentation of living bacterial cultures and are formed by the death of living bacteria in the process, they are not living.

However, these non-living components contain bioactive substances such as antioxidants, amino acids and enzymes that are beneficial to the skin, supporting skin health and offering solutions to various skin problems.

Postbiotic Uses in Cosmetics

With the increasing interest in natural and organic skincare, cosmetic companies are continually exploring innovative ingredients to enhance the efficacy of their products.

Postbiotics are one such group of ingredients that have recently gained attention in the cosmetic industry. The application of postbiotics in cosmetics is a relatively new concept, but it’s rapidly gaining traction due to their numerous skin benefits.

They are used in a variety of cosmetic products, including creams, serums, lotions, and even hair care products.

How are Postbiotics Applied in Cosmetic Products?

Postbiotics are incorporated into cosmetic products in a variety of ways. They can be produced/obtained mostly by fermentative processes. Most of these compounds are usually derived from Lactic acid bacteria or Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Postbiotics range from metabolites such as teichoic acids to polysaccharides and exhibit important biological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and immunomodulatory; therefore, their use in cosmetic formulations should be considered.

Postbiotics enter products in extract form, are obtained from the fermentation process of probiotic bacteria and are rich in beneficial compounds that support skin and hair health.

Let’s come to benefits for skin and hair

Postbiotics offer a multitude of benefits for both skin and hair…

For the skin, postbiotics have been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in managing various skin conditions such as acne and eczema.

Known for promoting skin balance and calming effect. Ideal for sensitive skin types.

They also play a crucial role in maintaining the skin’s barrier function, which is essential for keeping the skin hydrated and protected from environmental stressors.

When it comes to hair,

Postbiotics can help in improving scalp health.

They can help in balancing the scalp’s microbiome, leading to healthier and stronger hair.

Postbiotics also have the ability to stimulate hair growth, making them a promising ingredient for hair loss treatments.

So, Postbiotics, as we have seen, offer specialized ingredients that support the skin’s microbiome and keep the skin in balance.

However, this is just the beginning !

Parapostbiotics contain extracts from the cell membranes of bacteria instead of the direct use of probiotics. They penetrate the skin more effectively and are known for their anti-aging effects.

So how can we benefit from these two powers?

At Active Bioworks, we did it !

Postbiotics (CalmActive Oat) :

These postbiotics, obtained by fermentation of oat and lactobacillus, contain a complex mixture of metabolic products.

It aims to balance and calm the skin.

It has an anti-inflammatory properties and is suitable for sensitive skin types.

Parapostbiotics (HydrActive 100):

Parapostbiotics, obtained as a result of Aloe Vera fermentation, contain inactivated cells of bacteria.

This technology enhances the interaction with skin cells, strengthens the skin’s barrier functions and helps the skin retain moisture.

It is particularly effective in preventing biofilm formation and contains

Exopolysaccharides, which have a high water retention capacity. HydrActive 100 is ideal for products targeting intensive moisturizing and hydration in skincare formulations.

As Active Bioworks, we touch to skin with science and offer innovative and effective solutions with our nature-inspired technologies.

We are at your side to unlock your skin’s natural beauty potential…

At Active Bioworks, we are also leading the cosmetics world with revolutionary technologies such as ProLysate and BETA Technology.

The special fermentation processes and bacterial technologies in our ingredients support the skin’s natural balance, allowing us to create unique and effective products.

ProLysate Technology:

ProLysate is a lactobacillus bacteria fermentation technology based on carefully selected carbohydrates and protein sources. This innovative technology is the main component of Postbiotics obtained by fermenting Oat and lactobacillus.

BETA Technology

BETA Technology creates a special environment that allows bacteria to release enzymes. This technology, which includes enzymes such as cellulose and tannase, breaks down plant components to extract valuable active substances.


The use of postbiotics in cosmetics is a testament to the industry’s commitment to finding natural and effective solutions for skin and hair care.

We are at a crossroads in skincare, and as we cross it, we realize something:

The beginning of a new epic written by skin with postbiotics.

These technologies help us understand our skin’s response to various melodies and rhythms.

The journey we started with postbiotics began with the balance and tranquility of skin.

But now, it’s time to go one step further with parapostbiotics. Skin is now not only in balance, but also more active, more vibrant and more resilient.

Radiant skin is skin that is writing its own story and you are the author of that story!

Have a nice and “beautiful” day!

Please don’t hesitate to reach us for more:

Sales Force, Active Bioworks


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